Emily Allison
Painter, Sculptor
Emily Allison finds items for her art in places most people would ignore. This is the reason we find wit and fancy in her creations.
Figures, called Josephines, are made of paper-mache and re-purposed objects like teak salad bowls, tomato cages, glass bottles or clock parts. "I like starting with junk and transforming it completely," Allison said.
She acquires a lot of re-cycled tin from second-hand stores, family, and friends. She is even guilty of making certain food choices based on the packaging. Allison once said, "Sometimes you just have to eat the Belgian chocolate to get the tin. I should put that on a t-shirt…."
Allison makes 3-D mixed-media collages using a variety of re-cycled materials. For example, items such as plywood, magazines, bottle caps, hardware, circuit boards, wire, and much more will find their way onto a blank canvas waiting for her magic touch.
"I like puns.
I like junk.
I like kitsch.
Shake and bake.”-Emily Allison